With 14,000 marketing agencies in the U.S. How do you choose the right one?

Never hire the wrong marketing agency again.

We start with your goals, budget & timeline, before selecting your agency, contractor or internal marketing staff.

About The Marketing Agent

Over the course of my life, I’ve always done things a little differently. I didn’t go down the traditional path of “go to college, get married, have kids, work a job, retire…” In the words of the great Jerry Seinfeld, “not that there’s anything wrong with that”. Rather, my journey has taught me to see the world from a different angle. In my youth, as an eager homeschooled girl from Oklahoma, I was fascinated by entrepreneurs. People who sacrificed everything to take care of their families, their communities, on their own terms.

How It Works

Explore my straightforward process: Discover, Connect, Launch – your path to marketing
excellence with The Marketing Agent.


Let’s begin by thoroughly understanding your goals, budget & timeline. We then outline your marketing strategy in “blue sky” territory – based solely on you and your interests, not based on the capabilities of a single marketing agency.


Most companies require 2-5 agencies to adequately execute their marketing strategy. The Marketing Agent works to identify these agency partners, vets and verifies their expertise in your industry and negotiates those contracts on your behalf.


The Marketing Agent acts as the cohesive force in your holistic marketing strategy, ensuring your investment is truly an investment, not an expense. We ensure that your agency(ies) are onboarded and moving quickly towards your goals. We stay involved at no additional cost to you for 6 months beyond your TMA consulting term.

When YOU are at the center, the pieces fall Into place.

You, your goals, your budget, your timeline. These and only these factors should be at the center of your strategy. Not the capabilities or limitations of a marketing agency. We’re able to uphold this approach because we work for you, not the marketing agency(ies).

How is this different from the typical marketing approach?

Why Hire The Marketing Agent?

We Know Agencies

The Marketing Agent has been on the other side of the marketing services and advertising deal table hundreds of times. We understand agency sales and can ask the crucial, often overlooked questions to find the best resources for your needs.

No Agency Is Great At Everything

While many agencies excel in 1 to 3 core areas, they often have huge gaps in their capabilities. In some cases, agencies will “oversell” their services and dabble in things in which they haven’t proven expertise. This leads to delayed timelines, poor agency relationships and underperforming results.


Time is Money

Avoid spending months on research and onboarding only to realize you’ve chosen the wrong agency. I ensure the right fit from the start, saving you time and money, and keeping you competitive.


We Lean In

Unlike typical consulting firms that offer an engagement term and then vanish, We’ll stay actively involved for 6 months after our term and remain available for ongoing support as needed.


Weighing Your Marketing Options

Full-time Marketing Director Fractional CMO Agency
Strategic Planning
Long, Expensive Contracts
Bogged down strategic development & delayed ROI
Knowledge and Extensive Experience to advocate for you in agency selection and relationships
Agnostic to the solution, focused on your goals
Prescribes only the tactics within their capabilities

Read My Latest Insights

Stay Informed and Inspired – Explore My Latest Insights and Expert Perspectives in The Marketing Agent’s Blog.

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Unlock Your Potential! Whether it’s a project or just a chat, let’s turn your ideas into reality. Get in touch today!

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