
“We just fired our marketing person because…”(fill in the blank)

Imagine this scenario:

“We just fired our marketing person because they just weren’t performing. We’re thinking of hiring someone else, and maybe outsourcing some pieces of our marketing”. 

What’s really going on here?

For companies who tell me this, it’s usually true that they’ve had several “marketing people”, one at a time, and none for longer than about 2 years. The “marketing person” is often managed by a VP of Sales, or a VP of Sales and Marketing, or a President. None of which have particularly heavy strengths in marketing or managing marketers.

What we often find is that this “marketing person’s” journey at their company was quite literally doomed from the start. It all started with the job description, which usually sounds something like this: “Seeking a detail-oriented, organized and self led marketing professional who will handle social media marketing, SEO, Google Ads, website maintenance, copywriting, sales deck creation, email marketing and events marketing”.

The position is offered at 60k/yr. And a junior marketer is identified and hired. It’s no wonder this “marketing person” left or was fired, the job description is completely unrealistic for one person to execute.

The reality is, as the field of marketing becomes more and more technologically advanced, each of the “to do’s” in your list, or, areas of marketing specialty, become more and more deep.

Take a look at the best marketing agencies in the world, their SEO team doesn’t touch graphic design or social media management. And conversely, their graphic designer is not handling SEO or advertising. This is not simply because the agency  wants an “assembly line” for increased billable dollars, although that is a byproduct. This is because the skillset of one does not overlap with the other.

Expecting one “marketing person” to have the skills and the time to accomplish your total marketing strategy would be like going to a cardiologist for brain surgery.

When we develop your strategy first, before writing job descriptions or hiring agencies, we’re able to build your Dream Team around your goals, not the other way around.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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