Agency Partnership Strategy Example

When YOU are at the center, the pieces fall Into place.

You, your goals, your budget, your timeline. These and only these factors should be at the center of your strategy. Not the capabilities or limitations of a marketing agency. We’re able to uphold this approach because we work for you, not the marketing agency(ies).

How is this different from the typical marketing approach?

Most marketing agencies do one to three things extremely well- branding, content marketing, digital advertising management, SEO, web design, media buying, etc. 

If you happen to talk to an agency that has a technical focus- SEO, ad management for example- when they scope your needs and give you a proposal, you can bet SEO and ad management will be at the center of their proposed strategy for you. They have a hammer, you are the nail. 

Now, make no mistake- you may need SEO and ads for your strategy. But, it may be more important to focus on your email marketing, or your sales enablement efforts first- depending on your goals, budget and timeline. 

In marketing, the right thing at the wrong time, is the wrong thing. 

This is where strategy comes into play.

When you work with us, we develop your marketing strategy based only on your GBT, (Goals, Budget & Timeline). Not the capabilities of an agency. 

The best marketing agencies are often not the best at promoting and selling their services. They’re too busy doing client work and most of their business comes through referrals, strategic partners or white labeled agreements.

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